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Top 10 Superhero Movies As Rated On IMDb


Let’s face it, who doesn’t love superhero movies? Seeing your favourite comic book character coming alive on the big screen is fascinating for every fan! Here we give you Top 10 Superhero Movies as rated on IMDb.

10. Wonder Woman (2017)

IMDb Rating: 7.9

Directed by Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot in the lead role, the Amazon princess came alive earlier last month. Situated during the first World War, this movie has everything you could expect from a Wonder Woman movie: action, war, Greek gods and a bit of romance too!


9. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

IMDb Rating: 7.9

One of the most iconic events in Marvel Comics came to the life with Captain America: Civil war. Although it takes place on a quite smaller scale because of the problems in distribution rights to other Marvel entities. This movie dives into the philosophical differences of Marvel Cinematic Universe and it features superheroes fighting superheroes. The fight sequences are just mind blowing!

8. Iron Man (2008)

IMDb Rating: 7.9

With the first Iron Man movie, Marvel properly laid the foundation of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Casting Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark was undoubtedly an excellent move and all the subsequent MCU movies are nothing but a consolidation of that fact!

Iron man movie poster 2008


7. Spider-Man: Homecoming

IMDb Rating: 8.0

After Sony Pictures‘ three movies on Spider-Man and two more with a reboot, Marvel finally worked out a scenario where they get to use Spider-Man in an MCU film! It was a serious fanboy moment when Spider-Man showed up in Captain America: Civil War. In the further development, Marvel recently released Spider-Man: Homecoming and won the fans’ hearts! Tom Holland perfectly portrays a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man


6. X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)

IMDb Rating: 8.0

20th Century Fox has been doing a great job with X-Men movies (*cough* Wolverine *Cough*). After a well-received prequel, the production house takes to a future far ahead only to come back to the past. Isn’t it starting to get crazy? Well, it always does when time travel is involved. The movie portrays a thrilling story of how the whole X-Men timeline is reset and how Wolverine saves the day. A must watch!


5. Deadpool (2016)

IMDb Rating: 8.0

Simply the perfect portrayal of a comic book character in a movie, period. It was sad how things ended for Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We are fortunate enough that Ryan Reynolds was able to persuade Marvel and 20th Century Fox to let him make a movie on Deadpool. The wittiness and humorous nature of Deadpool are wonderfully brought to life by Ryan Reynolds.


4. Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)

IMDb Rating: 8.1

After establishing The Avengers, Marvel expanded the MCU with an impeccable Guardians movie! All the characters are aptly cast and the final team-up took things to a whole another level!

3. The Avengers (2012)

IMDb Rating: 8.1

After establishing Thor, Iron Man, Captain America and a couple more in the MCU, Marvel finally unveiled the beast with The Avengers. The heroes finally team up with a sole agenda of saving the Earth from an alien invasion that Loki brought with him. Filled with action and heavy fanboy moments, it has been one of the most entertaining movies of the domain.


2. Logan (2017)

IMDb Rating: 8.2

After playing Wolverine for more than 15 years, Hugh Jackman plays the character for the final time. Logan is heavily emotional and touching even for those who don’t follow X-Men or comics. The story takes inspiration from the Old Man Logan comics, making it a violent and dark one, just how Wolverine movies should be!


1. The Dark Knight Trilogy

The way Christopher Nolan brought the Batman to the big screen is just mind blowing. In recent times, this trilogy is simply hard to beat when it comes to Superhero movies. That’s why not one movie but the whole trilogy gets the top position because the mankind is yet to make something in that domain that tops these!

Batman Begins (2005) [IMDb Rating: 8.3]

The Dark Knight (2008) [IMDb Rating: 9.0]

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) [IMDb Rating: 8.5]


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